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Is a “body to body massage” legal? - Legal Answers -
Final answer to your question: I think pretending that this is a "traditional" exotic massage is a scam at worst and wishful thinking at best. Disclaimer The above is general legal and business analysis.
I went to a massage parlor that was busted - Legal Answers -
A massage parlor was busted in my area and a detective sent me a letter saying they wanted me to come into the station and discuss why I was in the message parlor.
Is it legal in Michigan for a professional massage therapist to do a ...
Two adults can agree to engage in sexual activity. Taking money for sexual activity is prostitution and if you take money to perform a service for which you are licensed and also, as an add in, perform a sexual service, you will lose your license and get charged with a felony.
Why would family other than next of kin need a death certificate?
I am sorry for your loss. The sibling asked for a death certificate as opposed to going straight to the town hall that issued the certificate because they imagined that extra copies existed.
Is it illegal to hire a private stripper just for you?
I am an Attorney-at-Law, licensed to practice law only in the state of California. Unless we have both signed a formal retainer agreement, you are not my client, and my discussion of issues does not constitute legal advice.
Is it against the law to read (only) sexually explicit stories ...
Community Guideline Update. Please note that our Community Guidelines have been updated. We are committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the content posted by our legal community on our platforms.
How can I tell from an ad if they are cops or not - Legal Answers
Hi, my name is Josh. I havnt been arrested for being a " John ", yet , but I do occasionally look for company on backpage and was wondering if theirs a way to tell in the ad that the escort is really police, Is their things that they can or can't say, what about when an ad has a disclaimer.
Pulled over after visiting a "massage parlor" -
I live in Florida. I made a bad choice and visited a "massage parlor" about an hour from where I live. After pulling out, an unmarked car flashed police lights and pulled me over.
I got a happy ending massage at spa(TX). Just found out this is a ...
I got a happy ending massage at a parlor in Texas 6 days ago. After doing some googling, I found out this is now a felony in Texas.
How do I evict a person who I let stay in my house, rent free, and now ...
Donald at Robinson and Henry, PC at (303) 688-0944 or [email protected].The above information is provided to you “AS IS,” does not constitute legal advice and we are not acting as your attorney.