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     Internet Search Results 

ELI5: What does "horsepower" mean for an Engine?
Horsepower is, unsurprisingly, a measure of power. 1 horsepower is equal to 745.7 Watts. Mostly for traditional reasons we still use "horsepower" to describe the power output of certain things, like cars, but you could just as easily use "Watts" to describe the power instead (and I personally think that would be better but I digress).

WTF is horsepower and does it actually matter? : r/AskEngineers - Reddit
Horsepower is conserved (by conservation of energy) Torque is not conserved. Whatever torque the engine outputs doesn't matter, it can be changed by the transmission. But the horsepower does matter, because that's all the energy the engine can output per unit of time, your transmission can't change this.

Converting Horsepower... to Duckpower? : r/theydidthemath - Reddit
It turns out that it is quite feasible to convert from horsepower to duckpower using a simple formula based on the animals' average mass. You're looking at about 131.2 ducks to 1 horse, so simply multiply your horsepower figure by that, and you get the duckpower number. - Google

way to see horsepower? : r/BeamNG - Reddit
23 votes, 10 comments. I just downloaded the game and wanted to see how much horsepower a car could make, i searched the internet for answers but i…

What is the exact locations (X Y Z) of the SeaTruck Horsepower ... - Reddit
This should bring you to a Horsepower upgrade - scan it and return to your seatruck From the PLKP, navigate precisely NE in a straight line. Stay pretty close to the sea floor but above any actual caves. Pretty soon you will arrive at an opening down into the caves. you want to stop at the FIRST opening you see after leaving the PLKP area

Horsepower vs torque? What's more important? : r/cars - Reddit
Horsepower is the better measure precisely because it can't be multiplied via gears. Horsepower takes time into consideration, and tells you how much work can be done. If you have a massive engine that produces 600lb-ft of torque but maxes out at 45rpm, you've got 5hp.

Starship "horsepower" : r/SpaceXLounge - Reddit
Horsepower and gravity lift. The specification for horsepower was originally specifically designed around the lifting of a dead weight against gravity by a pony, then scaled to reflect a larger horse, then standardized. So the gravity losses would be included in the figure.

How much horsepower do you really need? : r/whatcarshouldIbuy - Reddit
Horsepower is complete horseshit, because it doesn't take into account weight, torque, transmission, gear size/length, throttle response, tire width, tire diameter, or drivetrain. When you take hybrid/electric vehicles into account, this becomes even more complicated, because while a gas/diesel engine only produces maximum torque at a certain ...

What exactly is "horsepower"? Is it literally the power of one ... - Reddit
One horsepower was originally defined as the rate at which a horse could comfortably perform work all day long. One horsepower is equivalent 550 foot-pounds of work per second. This is the power required to lift a 550-pound weight over a distance of one foot in one second (or 1,100 pounds 1 foot in 2 seconds, or 275 pounds 2 feet in 1 second ...

How much HP does your average driver need/want? : r/cars - Reddit
There's a reason why the vast majority of cars (especially performance cars) have more horsepower than torque. If you're saying "engineers can't design engines for more torque than horsepower" that's just plain wrong. Look at the SL 65 AMG (738 lb/ft torque, 615 hp) and weighs 4200 lbs.

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