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     Internet Search Results 

The correct way to write "and/or" together in a sentence
In writing the phrase and/or, for example in a sentence as: I need to purchase a new item and/or return this one. the sentence would literally translate to: I need to purchase a new item and and or or return this one.

Microsoft Rewards - Reddit
r/MicrosoftRewards: We are not associated with Microsoft and are a community driven group to help maximize earning points.

Nothing Under - Reddit
Make sure you're using the correct post flair. If it doesn't match any listed, select "Other". If you're unfamiliar with the terminology used in the flairs, filter the subreddit for each flair to get an idea of what each flair entails.

Browser Recommendation Megathread - April 2024 : r/browsers - Reddit
I have been using firefox for like ten years, mostly because of containers (multiple accounts made easy and separates my cookies), simple tab groups extension (for organisation and puts unused tabs to sleep if they are in an inactive group, roughly), Dark Background extension (for custom color per website), passwords and bookmark sync with mobile and most importantly, uBlock Origin.

Monster Hunter World or Rise? : r/ShouldIbuythisgame - Reddit
I like rise more. Have 150 hours in world and 250 in rise. Everything I find to be extraordinarily annoying in world is fixed in rise. Such as movement being altered anytime a monster does anything, the constant status effects from boss arenas, all things that people that enjoy the

Reed or songbird : r/cyberpunkgame - Reddit
Mission wise, If you choose reed you fight Hanson directly, get his 3 iconics and the requirements for the Canto/erebus.

Which is correct: "another think coming" or "another thing coming"?
The full phrase is if you think x, you've got another think coming.. Wiktionary notes on usage: This expression is used as a rebuke, often in constructions similar to "If X thinks that Y, he/she has another think coming!"

Should I get 32GB RAM or 64GB RAM? : r/buildapc - Reddit
32gb should be fine for gaming and keeping it closer to your budget. As far as brand, I have 64gb of Corsair LPX with no problems; so far never exceeding 30gb of memory committed maximum. Average physical memory usage is 12.5GB a

New player here. Should I start with WoW Classic or Cataclysm ... - Reddit
I was leveling in the draenei starting zone (even though the guide says to go to another cuz it is slow) and the quests that had collecting items for enemies were abysmal like if they wanted me to collect 10 bear butts I would have to kill 20/30 bears for it, but once I powered through it and got to duskwood as the guidelime guide said it felt like night and day, much better droprates.

What do we call the “rd” in “3ʳᵈ” and the “th” in “9ᵗʰ”?
@WS2 In speech, very nearly always. In writing, much less so. I think what may be going on is that one just assumes that “June 1” is pronounced “June First”, or “4 July” as “the Fourth of July”.

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