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Exhibit Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of EXHIBIT is to submit (something, such as a document) to a court or officer in course of proceedings; also : to present or offer officially or in legal form. How to use exhibit in a sentence.

EXHIBIT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
EXHIBIT definition: 1. to show something publicly: 2. an object that is shown to the public in a museum, etc.: 3. a…. Learn more.

Audubon's Birds of America exhibit coming to Houston Museum of Natural ...
The Audubon's Birds of America exhibition will feature 46 prints from Nation Museums Scotland's collection.Birds of America is a series that was published from 1827 to 1838 in which John James ...

EXHIBIT Synonyms: 65 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for EXHIBIT: exhibition, display, show, fair, production, expo, presentation, exposition; Antonyms of EXHIBIT: mask, camouflage, disguise, hide, cover, conceal, curtain, obscure

EXHIBIT | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
EXHIBIT meaning: 1. to show something publicly: 2. an object that is shown to the public in a museum, etc.: 3. a…. Learn more.

Exhibit - definition of exhibit by The Free Dictionary
1. to offer or expose to view: to exhibit the new cars. 2. to manifest: to exhibit interest. 3. to make manifest; explain.

EXHIBIT Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
to make or give an exhibition; present something to public view. an act or instance of exhibiting; exhibition. something that is exhibited. Law. a document or object exhibited in court and referred to and identified in written evidence.

Gauguin in the World Through February 16, 2025 - The Museum of Fine ...
Gauguin in the World offers new perspectives on Gauguin’s life and work; his artistic networks and influences; and his contemporary legacies, both artistic and historical. The exhibition features more than 150 of Gauguin’s paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings.

Exhibit - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
An exhibit is an item that is shown off for the public, such as a painting on display at a gallery or a historical document shown under glass at a museum. The main thing to remember about an exhibit is that it refers to something presented formally and in a public setting.

Exhibit - Wikipedia
Exhibit (educational), an object or set of objects on show in a museum, gallery, archive or classroom, typically in a showcase, as part of an exhibition; Exhibit (web editing tool), a lightweight structured data publishing framework; Exhibit, a trade show display; Exhibit, a novel by Korean American novelist R. O. Kwon

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