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     Internet Search Results 

"I use to", or "I used to" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
As reported by the NOAD in a note about the usage of used: There is sometimes confusion over whether to use the form used to or use to, which has arisen largely because the pronunciation is the same in both cases. Except in negatives and questions, the correct form is used to: we used to go to the movies all the time (not we use to go to the ...

orthography - When are 'tion', 'sion', and 'cion' used - English ...
Here are the main guidelines to choose the right suffix among -sion, -tion, and -cion. The first two are the more common while -cion is actually quite rare.

"Used to" or "used for"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
"button is used for": 2,250,000 hits "button is used to" : 3,260,000 hits Sentences below checked in MS Word English US: (My interpretation in parentheses) The button is used to open the dialog. (Wrong) The hammer is used to break the glass. (Wrong) John is used to read data. (Wrong) The button is used for opening the dialog.

What is the difference between "used to" and "I was used to"?
The sequence of words used to can occur in many kinds of sentence; in a passive sentence, for instance. A shovel is used to dig holes with. (note that this occurrence of used to is pronounced with a /z/: /'yuztə/) the sequence used to is not a constituent, just two words stuck together.

grammaticality - "Is used" vs. "has been used" vs. "was used" - English ...
It is used as the symbol of Paris and of France for over a century. It was used as the symbol of Paris and of France for over a century. It has been used as the symbol of Paris and of France for over a century.

"Compared with" vs "Compared to"—which is used when?
When Compare is used in the past participle form to introduce a Subordinate clause, With is more common in British English and To is more common in American English. So, American English: "Compared to my house, yours is huge" "Your hair is silky compared to mine" British English: "Compared with my house,yours is huge"

grammaticality - Can "so" and "very" be used together? - English ...
So very is used as intensifier of very, in negative, affirmative, and interrogative sentences, such as the following ones: You will forget so very much because you are overwhelmed at each stage. The end result is not so very different from that of the railway compartment.

word choice - When should we use "and" and/or "and/or"? - English ...
And/or is generally used when either one or both of the options may be true. Consider the following three examples: I am going to buy milk and eggs. I am going to buy milk or eggs. I am going to buy milk and/or eggs. In example #1, I am specifying that I will buy both.

Where did the phrase "used to" come from? - English Language & Usage ...
Used to is, then, something quite different from use. Spell- ing gives away that used to ("yoosta") was once—used to form of use. But it isn't now, and the difference is that . use is a "word" word while used to ("yoosta") is grammar. use is a word meaning to utilize. used to is, on the other hand, a tool we use to express that something ...

Meaning of "by" when used with dates - inclusive or exclusive
If, in a contract fr example, the text reads: "X has to finish the work by MM-DD-YYYY", does the "by" include the date or exclude it? In other words, will the work delivered on the specified date

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